Author: Waters Edge Dentistry

Children’s Dental Health Month

February is Children’s Dental Health Month, a time to raise awareness about theimportance of good oral hygiene in children. Here are some fun facts and tipsrelated to children’s dental health: Children’s Dental Health Month is a great opportunity to reinforce the importance ofdental care and hygiene in a fun and informative way. Promoting good oral healthhabits early in life can […]

Should you brush your dog’s teeth?

Yes, dental health is important for both dogs and cats, and regular tooth brushingcan play a significant role in maintaining their oral hygiene. Here are some keypoints to consider: Dogs: Cats: In both cases, it’s important to monitor your pet’s dental health and consult yourveterinarian if you notice any signs of dental problems, such as bad breath, swollengums, difficulty eating, […]

Children’s Dental Health Issues

Thumb sucking, pacifier use, and prolonged sippy cup use can have negative effectson a child’s dental health for several reasons: To mitigate these potential dental issues, parents can take the following steps: Overall, while thumb sucking, pacifier use, and sippy cups are common behaviors inyoung children, it’s essential for parents to be mindful of their child’s dental healthand take steps […]